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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Barbie's Review of Tony's One on One, ROAD WARRIOR

On a scale of 1 to 10, I would give Tony's previously reviewed One-on-One with Tony's "Plyo Legs" a 6. It was a pretty good workout and different enough from Plyo-X, not to mention cheap enough ($19.99 regular price or $14.95 with my coach's discount), to add it to my collection. But, one thing that annoyed me and that sticks out in my mind weeks later, is how much Tony talked in that video.

That said, I was a bit hesitant to purchase the 2nd video in Tony's One-on-One collection: ROAD WARRIOR. Why did I just put that in caps? Because, boys and girls, it simply ROCKED and far exceeded any and all of my expectations. If you love Tony's humor, this is Tony at his best. Tony sings and improvises his own songs, dances around like a maniac, makes tazmanian devil fart sounds (charming, I swear!), and um, rips his shorts while doing some squats. He also gives some shout outs to the folks on the community forums (Papi and CanadianGirl, for example). Tony, Tony, could you say my name next time?

As far as the workout goes, get ready to get your butt WHOOPED.

Here they are, Barbie's Deep Thoughts on "Road Warrior" (Disc 2):

What it is:

Road Warrior was specifically designed for those who travel, but who still want to get in an awesome workout. P90X, we all know, is beyond awesome, but doing the resistance work while on the road is if not impossible, pretty difficult. Most people don't want to lug around their pull-up bar or many can't find a place to hook their resistance bands.

This is a TOTAL BODY workout based on P90 that requires ONE BAND. Talk about simple! The beauty of this workout is that you can switch the resistance band according to the kind of workout you want to get. If you're in the mood for a light, but still tough workout, go for the red. If you're feeling like a monster, go for the black band. I'm not kidding, after this workout (with the red band) I had to make the next day a rest day! I was sore with this baby!

The workout consists of four VERY FAST PACED ROUNDS in which you work out your Chest, Back, Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps, and Legs/Butt in that order. Tony transitions very fast from move to move, so I would highly recommend previewing the video to get the most out of the workout and to avoid frustration. The speedy transition will have you breaking out into a sweat in no time. As if the first three rounds were not fast enough, the final fourth round is a "speed" round. All I can say is: FUN!


For the warm-up portion of the video, Tony let's us do what we want and/or need. For those who already know how to stretch, this is perfect. For the stretching-dummies, you'd do best to follow Tony, which includes acting the charming fool.


Many of the moves are based off of P90. That doesn't mean they are identical. Thank Heaven for that, I found P90 a total sleeper. There are also some P90X moves such as "run squat stance" and "side tri rise" as well as some new, fun moves!

Ladies and Gentlemen, if you're looking for an addition to your video library, this is a great investment. Barbie gives this video a 10!

Bring it!

Barbie, PhD

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