I had never actually thought about it until today, but there's a reason that Cookie Monster isn't exactly svelte. He's, um, plump not because he eats cookies, but because he indulges in too many of them!
Cookie Monster, my dear, before you put another cookie in your mouth, please hear me out.
If you want to be fit (like Count Dracula. Boy, he does look good, doesn't he?), you don't have to give up cookies forever. You just can't have them every day.
But I can't live without my daily cookie, you say? Well, then, you're just going to have to live with the consequences, Cookie. It really is that simple.
I hate to be preachy, but life is about making choices. How badly do you want to be fit?
I know it's sometimes difficult to not give into temptation, but coaching myself when I've been faced with a plateful of treats is how I have gotten the results that you see. Oh yes, Cookie, I, too have a strong predilection for cookies, and burgers, and margaritas with salt around the border, and oh, yea, pizza.
But when my kryptonite and I come face to face, I activate that little voice inside me that wants to be fit and I literally ask myself questions such as:
Will this cookie (replace cookie with your favorite treat) help me get the results I want?
Will this cookie impede my progress?
Is this cookie worth it?
Will I regret it once it has gone down my digestive track?
I have to tell you, the answer is not always clear cut.
In addition to my cheat day (where I allow myself to indulge in my favorite dish [or two, shhhh!], usually quesadillas or a burger with fries), I sometimes allow myself an additional cheat treat during the week, such as a cookie or a piece of chocolate.
But BEFORE I put that cookie in my mouth, I look at how clean my eating has been for the week. If I've eaten CLEAN all week AND if I know that I have no upcoming social engagement where I will be likely to fall, then I say yes to the cookie without the burden of guilt. After indulging, I also recommit to EATING CLEAN until my official cheat day.
Oh, but it sounds like so much work, Barbie!
Well, it sometimes is, Cookie. But, I feel it is worth it.
To cookie or not to cookie, my dear childhood friend, that is the question. It's up to you to decide.
Here's to a fitter you!
Bring it!
OO, I hope it is "to cookie!!" Maybe, just maybe, there is some yummy calorie-free cookie out there!
Barbie, I'm hooked, I look for free moments at work during the day to check your blog and I can't wait for this one! ;)
"COOKIE!!! Me wants COOKIE!!!" - To Cookie, or Not to Cookie, that is the question!
I can't wait to hear what your answer is Barbie! :)
Ahhhh, the answer always varies!
Very well put! (and I don't think Cookie minds you being 'Preachy'!) ;)
Barbie your timing is impeccable! I needed to hear this today!
This Cookie Monster says: "Thank you!"
Timely indeed. I've been fighting the lowfat graham crackers at lunch every day. Not the worst thing in the world but definitely not clean and not vital to my life. Thanks for the continued inspiration and support.
Not exactly what I was expecting, but I'd say even better! I'm also proud to say that I have said "not to cookie" (and pop and ice cream and chips, etc) ALL week long. I have eaten 100% clean without even the slightest temptation to cheat since last Friday when I started the 2-day fast. :D Great blog entry Barbie, I have to remember that for next week when the BF is in town, it's going to be a little harder to say "not to cookie."
I say "Not to Cookie", this is only a recent thing for me, it used to be "One won't hurt"...
How did I change my tune?
My abs are missing...I won't be able to find them EVER if I don't say no to cookie or whatever as often as possible...another thing that gets me through..."I work to dang hard to eat_____" Heck there have been times when I was near tears trying to get that last push-up or to just get one more rep!
I currently have two pans of from scratch Lemon bars on my counter, I squeezed the dang lemons even, and I only tasted...one tiny bite! I do not plan to eat any of them...I almost did last night, because they are the best that I have ever made, but it is so NOT WORTH IT!!!!
Oh, and I miss my Barbie Bunny coach, think that once again I am coming back soon...never to leave again! My new coach is great, but...:-(
You guys are great! Thanks so much for your input!
Today's blog entry will deal with the struggles that go along with saying no! It really isn't always easy!
Let's Keep Bringing it, Kids!
p.s. Licia, I don't think I've ever been dumped and taken back so many times! My door is always open to you, I've already told you that.
oh, my! I am feeling under the weather and having unusual cravings for all things sweet and scranchy and chocolady, and this Cookies Monster is very timely! The answer it - "Not to cookie" but have something nutritious so I don't get sicker than I am!
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