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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Just Show Up

The picture on the left is me last week. The picture on the right is me tonight. I know, I look like I have just been run over by a truck. It's been a long day, what can I say!

I sense that people have this image of me as someone who is always motivated and full of energy. Generally, that is true. For the most part, I enjoy working out and I even enjoy eating clean. Um, ya, I really do look forward to my next workout. But sometimes--like today, for example--I am just too tired from the day's activities and I just "show up" to my workout.

Since five o'clock this morning when I woke up til 5pm when I pressed play, I had not had more than 20 minutes to myself. With my teaching and coaching responsibilities, my schedule was packed. Things just had to get done--papers needed grading, classes needed to be taught, emails needed to be answered, dogs needed to be walked...--and I simply had to get them done. When 5pm rolled around, however, any hint of energy or enthusiasm that had been there upon wakening had left my system.

I surely must have had a little voice inside myself telling tired Barbie that it was okay to take a day off because I found the wiser part of me asking: "What if tomorrow is also a busy day? What will you do then?" You see, as happy as I am with my results, I know that I am in this lifestyle, well, for life! We could never truly rest on our laurels and why would we want to! The "I'm too busy" line is what had gotten me in trouble two years ago. Yes, boys and girls, you can blame my back fat picture on those three little words. I will never be there again.

So, you better believe it I pressed play tonight.

When I'm not feeling the mojo, I press play because I want to keep moving forward, because I don't want a day off to turn into two (or three, or four...). I also know that I must practice what I preach if I want to continue to be a good motivator.

Today, I rocked it out with Shaun's Rockin Body, only, I didn't quite "rock it out." I dragged myself through the workout and as I did, part of me felt proud for being there, but all of me couldn't wait for it to be over.

The end finally came and I would have done a happy dance, but I was too tired. Instead, I had my recovery drink, and got ready for a 7 o'clock meeting.

I am beat. But you know what? I feel strangely good. The time is now. My days of making excuses are over. It's also kind of fun to take pictures of myself looking like a modern day medusa with makeup all over my face:

Now, Bring it!

Barbie, PhD

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