My Updated Transformation: A 2-Year Journey

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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Meet Linda, Another BeachBody Success Story

Dear Boys and Girls,

One of my favorite parts about being a coach is witnessing and sharing my peeps' successes! Well, that's the point of coaching, isn't it?! Meet Linda, one of the newest coaches on the Barbie team.

Bring it!

Barbie, PhD


In an email response to my question, "Why do you want to coach?," Linda wrote:

I became a beachbody junky in Oct. 07 weighing in at 165. I started with P90 Masters and then used SI6. I went to p90X for a couple of weeks and then hurt my body. I had lost 25 lbs. I tried the Slim Series but was mentally beat from feeling like a failure. I quit working out totally in mid March 08 and went back my old ways of eating. My stress level was pretty high and I used the excuse to beat myself up. Stupid thing was, I didn’t like what I was doing to myself or how I was feeling. I knew I would return to this lifestyle because it’s the way I feel best! I was too busy and now out of shape to get back going.

It wasn’t until Aug. 08 that I started back and committed for life!!! I was at 155 lbs. I started with Turbo Jam to get the fire back. I switched to SI6. I was down 13 lbs. At the end of Sept. I started the X with a few of my changes to accommodate my past injuries. I am down 10 more lbs at day 65. So for now 23 lbs. I am 5’3”. I carry my weight in my butt and thighs, but am looking to change that!

My clean eating has been getting me closer one day at a time! I never dreamed I could wear a size 6, but I can ( not straight leg styles). I wonder if I can have the legs I dream about, and then I wake up and think YES I CAN! Best thing about all of this is I FEEL GREAT! My self confidence & mental strength are growing by leaps and bounds!

My body felt almost possessed when eating all the junk and processed foods. My skin looks great and lots of people are surprised I am 45. It is even a bit fun to overhear my teenage sons friends make comments about “your mom is ripped” or the dads say to my hubby “no offense, but your wife looks hot!”

I am really excited about the coaching as to keep myself on the right path as a role model for others. But I am truly excited to help others that feel alone and have no idea of how to start. I plan to start a thread of “Find My Weigh with Linda.” I felt so alone over all the years of struggle and I feel I have found my "way/weigh," so now it’s time to help others!

Thanks again for all you do! Now go back and enjoy your weekend!!


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