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Sunday, April 26, 2009

I Can, I Will.

Dear Boys and Girls,

The following is a note that Tony Horton posted on Facebook. Thanks to my friend Audrey for reposting it. I would have missed it otherwise.

I hope Tony's words inspire you as much as they do me.

Bring it!

Barbie, PhD


I was talking with a dear friend of mine the other day and we were discussing why so many people don't live up to their potential. I was telling him that I know dozens of people who should be happy, more productive, purposeful and better off financially then they are. These are smart, interesting resourceful people. This friend of mine is extremely successful. His work ethic is amazing. He helped build a company from the ground up and he's also one of the most altruistic people I've ever known. Financial freedom and life purpose is not his problem. His issue is FOOD! As successful as he is (and with me as his trainer) he can't stop eating. He's strong, flexible and aerobically very fit but he could stand to lose a final 20 pounds to be more comfortable in is skin.

We're all good at some things while also having traits and behaviors that make our lives more difficult than they ought to be. We know what we want out of life and most of are aware that it require some work; but why is it that so many of us fall short? During our discussion the other day my friend said most people have all these goals and somewhere along the way we run into an obstacle or two and say, "I can't I quit." This phenomenon is why we aren't healthier, fitter, happier and in control of our lives. Everyone of us at one time or another has had an idea or vision about something and didn't see it through because of a bad conversation, unmet deadline, closed door or some other self created stumbling block.

I was in my gym with my good pal Scott Fifer the other day trying this crazy balance exercise, where you place the balls of your feet (no shoes or socks) on a basketball while in a pre push-up position. The goal is to do a push-up then walk your hands toward the ball, drawing your feet on top of the ball. Stand all the way up, (balancing on the basketball) then slowly squat down and crawl back to a push-up position. Repeat this as many times as you can. After the first four failed attempts I told Scott I can't, I quit. What? I gave up (momentarily) until I realized that my thoughts and words were part of the problem. For a laugh I decided to pronounce out loud, "I can I will." I managed 4 in a row. It was freaky. The new mindset and words created a completely different outcome.

I honestly believe that success starts with getting out of your own way. Recognize the problem or obstacle then get busy doing something to find the solution. It starts by figuring out what you want. Step two involves writing down what you're going to do to get it. It's also important to understand that falling down, messing up, making mistakes, getting bad advice and starting over and over again are all part of the journey. If this thing call life were easy why would you be here? The whole thing is a lesson so understand that everything you want is always outside of your comfort zone. I can't I quit creates nothing. I can I will won't give you everything, but it's a much better way to start your journey.

Tony Horton

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