My Updated Transformation: A 2-Year Journey

My Beachbody Top Coach Video and Transformation!

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Saturday, September 26, 2009

BeachBody: Real People, Real Results, Real Wins. For Real!

Dear Boys and Girls,

Yesterday I decided to stop by BeachBody Headquarters during my visit to Santa Monica to say hello to some friends and omg, Paulina handed me a $10,000 check. Um, I knew I had won the quarterly prize in the Million Dollar Body contest, but it was a wild experience to be physically presented with what to me is a giant check and a huge honor.

At that moment it hit me: Holy moly, people really do win these contests and holy moly, the winner is me!

I remember looking at the BeachBody website in awe of people's results and feeling so far away from that myself. Something inside me knew that this time would be different, that this time I would get the weight off for good. Failure was not an option. But, no, I had no idea that I would one day win first $1000 and then $10,000 for my transformation. I had no idea that I would meet Jason through Beachbody, who has played a huge role in helping me take my fitness and coaching to another level. I also had no idea that I would be able to help so many people and make so many friends all over the country and all because of BeachBody.

I am truly honored to be a part of this community. And now, it's time to go on a hike!

Bring it!
Barbie, PhD

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