Never has an expression carried with it so many meanings as "Bring It!".
Occasionally, a new Slim in Sixer or P90Xer comes on to my forum, Barbie's Slim Spot, and shyly asks, "When you (Debbie or Tony) say "Bring it!", what exactly do you mean?"
Well, here's the answer, ladies and gentlemen:
On the days that you're on fire and feeling really strong, you really Bring it! On those days you can say that you just Brought It like you've never Brought It before.
Alas, not every day will be like that.
There will be days when you're more or less enthusiastic and you simply Bring It! On those days, baby, you can proudly say you Brought it!
And yes, there will be those days when you just don't want to get out of bed, when you're tired, stressed, the kids, your wife or husband and your boss are annoying you, and you just don't want to push play, but you do it anyway. On those days, you can say you Brought It!
To think that you can really Bring it with fiery intensity day after day is insane and unrealistic. You'll only set yourself up for disappointment and burnout.
What matters is that you SHOW UP six times a week by PUSHING PLAY.
Now, Go Bring it!
p.s. Writing about Bringing it made me get a little carried away with the colors!
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"Bring It" is something that gets me motivated to work hard during every workout! Tony says it to boost up your energy for the workout. You are right though, there are going to be days where you are not feeling up to working out, but if you just give it 100% BEST effort at the time, then you will succeed in changing your life! The people who succeed in everything they do work hard even during times they don't feel up to it! Remember, truly BELIEVE YOU WILL SUCCEED AND YOU WILL!!
Do you find yourself saying, "Bring it, Josh!" I do and it pumps me up every time!! BRING IT! COME ON!
Barbie! You are prolific! I am in awe! Love, Jenny
Hi, Jenny!
I just wanted to say, I Done Brought it with Slim Series' FIRM IT UP this morning!
I love that you defined "bring it" even during those times where you just really don't want to work out, but you force yourself to do it anyway. I always feel bad saying "I BROUGHT IT!" on those days, now I can say "I BROUGHT IT, I didn't want to, but I did it anyway!" ;)
By the way, tonight I plan to BRING IT with SS Mix It Up!
That's right, Mandy. If we pushed play we can say WE BROUGHT IT!
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