If you poke around at the Slim in 6 forums, you'll find very few men posting. Once in a while you'll see a Slim in 6 male newbie who posts in hopes of finding some male support. It's only a short time before they discover that they have entered an almost exclusively female universe.
I'm gonna voice it for you, boys: That sucks.
Does the absence of men in the Slim in 6 forums mean that there are less overweight men out there than there are women? Does it mean that men need less support than women? Certainly not.
Look around you and you'll see plenty of overweight men. Look in the P90X forums and you'll see a world full of men.
I've pondered this phenomenon quite a bit since I started coaching and my hypothesis is: Many men are embarrassed to say they are doing the Slim in 6 program. Those who are not, however, do not find the male support they need.
Well, Barbie's here to tell you that REAL MEN ARE NOT AFRAID TO DO SLIM IN 6.
Debbie has, in my never modest opinion, a way of BLASTING FAT like no other program, whether you are a man or a woman.
Look at Mark Briggs, for example. He is the ABS MAN starring in the P90X PLUS videos. He began his fitness journey with P90 before moving on to Slim in 6.
This is what he writes in his profile:
"I was less than one week into SI6 when I realized how very wrong I had been with my notion of the program not working for men or about it being easy! Debbie was absolutely kicking my butt, and the program whipped me into crazy lean shape!! I ended up losing a total of 30 lbs in 6 weeks, and this time I had followed the eating guide to the letter (tiers 1 and 2 of Michi's Ladder)!!"
Boys, I mean, Men, rid yourself of the notion that Slim in 6 is for women. If you're overweight, Slim in 6 is the ideal place to start.
Barbie, you are absolutely right (as usual)! ;)
Now can you convince my BF of this? He is so stubborn, he says he needs to lose weight, but refuses to wo with me! Men!
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink!
Tell him to stop being a horse!
I totally agree with Marks comments about Slim in 6 not being a girlie workout! My husband joined me in a few workouts with some sarcastic comment about it going to be for girls only...he ate his words through that first workout and still tells everyone he meets about Debbie Siebers and her leglifts and what a crazy woman she is! He was totally impressed with Burn it Up! And of course the results I got with it..losing 12lbs in 6 weeks :)
My hubby is totally intimidated by all of this. He knows how out of shape his is. If I could only get him to try once. I am starting SI6 with Start it up, maybe I'll see if he would start with me.
Thanks for opening it up Barb. I appreciate it.
Where the heck are all the men. That's what I want to know!??!!!
Slim-n-Six is for ANYONE if they want to drop some serious weight & inches in a short period of time!
All that is required is a serious desire and commitment to eat clean and do a workout 6 days a week!
I missed 2 workouts during the 6 weeks and ate VERY bad on Superbowl sunday! Yet I still lost 15 pounds and over 17" from my body while on the program.
It really does work, but you've got to commit to bringing it in the kitchen and in that workout 6 days a week!
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