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Monday, November 24, 2008

Barbie Gets Her Butt Whooped by Slim in 6


For those of you who are new to Barbie's blog, you may be wondering: What is this Slim in 6? It's Debbie Sieber's fitness videos, specifically designed to blast your backfat into oblivion. It's the product I used to drop 11 pounds in 6 weeks and, I kid you not, to completely transform my body. I've said it a million times and it is worth repeating: There is nothing, and I mean nothing like Slim in 6 for weight loss.

This past weekend I decided to go back to Debbie for a few weeks beginning today. Why? It's certainly not for the entertainment factor. Oh, Debbie, you know I love you! Starting November 26th I will be going from Dallas, to NY, back to Dallas, then to London, Paris, NY, San Francisco, Dallas, the Cayman Islands, and then finally back to Dallas. Yikes, with all that traveling, I know I have to simplify my workouts. Slim in 6 comes in one neat little dvd box and all I need to carry along with me is a resistance band. You bet I'll also bring along some Turbo Jam, but my main program will be Slim in 6.

The last time I completed a round of Slim in 6, I was already at my goal weight. I lost zero pounds after six weeks, but leaned out my body just the way I wanted to. Am I hoping to do that again? Yea, maybe. I know I can always count on Debbie to keep me fit and trim.

Today was my first of many moments with Debbie. Can I tell you: she whoooped my butt! I am not kidding! After five minutes I decided that it really doesn't ever get easy, no matter how many rounds of Turbo Jam and P90X you may have done.

The lunges? Oh, goodness, don't get me started. The leg lifts? I wanted to scream after 2 minutes on the right leg! But, I kept going because I want the results and because I know how effective her program is.

There is nothing like Debbie to get Barbie to curse like a sailor and to shrink a girl's hips from 40 inches to 35.


Barbie, PhD


Anonymous said...

haha Barbie. Seems like just last week I was talking about how Slim Series has me cursing at Debbie again, after finally getting all her Slim in 6 moves down! She sure does know how to make it hurt...

Unknown said...

Gosh, Barbie, you sure are beautiful. That is just a really great picture of you.