My Updated Transformation: A 2-Year Journey

My Beachbody Top Coach Video and Transformation!

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Saturday, November 1, 2008


I became a coach because I wanted to share; I just had to. It has turned into something much larger and more meaningful than I ever imagined. Today that I find myself struggling as to what course of action to take, I see just how much coaching others has also helped me in my own personal journey. I am truly thankful for that.

I often see people that I coach being so hard on themselves when they fall off the wagon or when they can't seem to get their eating right. I am always quick to remind them 1. that change is a process 2. that that process is not always enjoyable and 3. that whether you win or lose is not determined by what happens to you, but how you choose to react to it. It ain't over til it's over.

Who knew that these little Barbie words of wisdom had become so much a part of me and that they would come to my rescue when I am feeling discouraged. Whenever I feel a sense of overwhelm about the work that lies ahead of me, I find my own voice immediately reminding myself that I have time to do what needs to be done, that it doesn't all have to get done today, but that I need a plan. I've also learned to look to others for support and perspective. I know that our own perspective can sometimes be limited, especially when we seem to be going through hard times.

What is helping me most right now is to know that getting from where you are to where you want to be is not always easy. Living the life you want takes great effort and involves change. Change is scary, holy moly, don't I know it.

But, Bring it, I'm ready to take it on.

Barbie, PhD

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