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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

It's One of Those Days...

In a perfect world, we'd always feel like pressing play and eating right. No, no, I've said it before, in a perfect world, we would feel great all the time without having to press play six times a week and without having to watch what we eat.

I woke up feeling pretty blah today after a conversation with a friend turned sour. Aghrr! Wouldn't it be nice to be perfect?

To be honest, I just wanted to surf the net and do nothing. Feeling down seems like such a valid excuse to not work out for some reason.

How do you push past those feelings? How do you get yourself to press play?

I really did sit there for a good 30 minutes, telling myself that I wasn't officially on my round of Chalean, that a day off would be okay. But, I also knew I was making excuses. Actually, I knew quite a few things:

If we only workout when we're feeling in good spirits, we won't be working out with any kind of consistency. Let's face it: life is always throwing us curve balls. We don't always feel like going to work, but we still show up. There are only a limited number of sick days in the bank. We should treat working out in a similar way.

I knew that working out would lift my spirits, even though when you're feeling poopy that's hard to believe.

And, I knew commitment means that you show up. So, I showed up. I want results, I want to be a role model, I want to practice what I preach, I want a beach body, I wanted a pause from thinking.

So, I brought it and yes, just as I predicted, I did feel slightly better. Wouldn't it be nice if pressing play were a cure all? Maybe BeachBody can come up with that one!

Bring it, Peeps! Just show up!

Barbie, PhD

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