Earlier this morning I posted the above picture on Facebook, along with a comment about how I had lost 5 inches off my hips. Within two hours, my inbox was flooded with comments telling me how "lucky" I was and with questions about the program I had used to produce such results.
Woahhhhh, let's back it up a second! I say this over and over: change is a process. I didn't lose five inches off my hips in six weeks or six months. It has taken me almost two years to achieve these results. And as far as luck? Yes, I was lucky to stumble upon BeachBody! But, I have put in the work, a lot of work.
I had much to say, so I made a little video. Enjoy and remember: baby steps will get you from where you are to where you want to be!
Your friend in health,
Barbie, PhD
Hey, Barbie, I really enjoyed this post. I absolutely hate it when people tell me I'm "lucky" and are bitchy toward me about my weight. Sure, I have been blessed with a fast metabolism. But I have been active my entire life, I am not an overeater or an emotional eater, I try to make good choices, I exercise six days a week usually, and I have had a baby (poor women can't say to me anymore, "Just wait until you've had a kid," in the snarky way they do), so I had to lose weight and get my muscle tone back from that. So I totally feel you. You've got some kick-ass legs, but I know that comes from your hard work and dedication, not luck.
I LOVED your post because there is 100% truth in what you said and I NEEDED that reminder. Before I got to where I am (30lbs overweight) I was healthy, vibrant and FIT because I was dedicated to being so. It wasn't LUCK or good genes though that was what everyone thought. I've been really struggling feeling like I will never be where I was and wanting change to happen instantly or without ME changing. Your post enlightened ME....sometimes we can't see the forest through the trees but I can now! It is a process, infininte patience produces immediate results! :) Today is my DAY one and I don't care how long it will take me, it will happen with BB. Thank YOU!!
Screwdestiny: I think women can be like that because whatever they have tried hasn't worked. So, it must be luck, they think. And before BB, I was really like???! What the heck do I need to do to blast this fat??? I was even willing to try Ally (sp?), which makes you poop at unexpected times!! Well, it's the reason that I didn't try it actually. But, when you get these comments or snarly looks, you can say, "You should check out BeachBody programs. They really work because they take all the guess work out of it." You're not a coach, so it's not about selling or promoting products. But, truly, I try to see these remarks as a call for help.
WILCOX: omg!! YOU CAN DO IT!! YES!!! You areeeeee closer than you think!!! The sooner you start the better, the faster you'll get there.
We're with you, so get to it!!
If you need help, reach out. Woopeee!!!
I'm glad I could help! That makes my day!
I love the picture in your post..how do you get the video to display on your wall like that? is this in your home? its a fab idea!
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