Get out of the gate fast by dropping up to 7 lbs. in two days!
Two days is all it takes to cleanse and gain control of your body. If you're ready to rid your body of excess fat, this is a perfect place to start. Just choose from two delicious flavors: chocolate or vanilla. Then use 2-Day Fast Formula for two days to experience:
* A greater sense of being slim and in control of your body*
* A dramatic reduction of unhealthy cravings*
* An invigorating, natural boost of energy*
* An increase in weight loss from your fitness routine†
Start shedding pounds and feeling better
If you really want to start burning off that hard-to-lose fat, taking 2-Day Fast Formula is a great way to begin the process. By allowing your body to stop breaking down food so your natural calorie-consumption machine can get "caught up" with the food in the pipeline, you'll soon start burning off stored fat.
All you need to do . . .
2-Day Fast Formula® It's so easy: Just take 2-Day Fast Formula instead of food for two days. Afterward you'll feel thin, refreshed, and cleansed. Your skin will look more radiant because you've stopped taxing your body. Even if you use 2-Day Fast Formula for just one day or for a couple of meals, it can have a dramatic effect on breaking the cycle of unhealthy eating.
It Works—Or Your Money Back!
2-Day Fast Formula®It's true! Beachbody test groups have shown that those who enhanced their workouts with 2-Day Fast Formula lost 3–7 pounds, and felt healthier, more energetic, and in control. Now's the perfect time to give 2-Day Fast Formula a try. If you're not satisfied, just return it within 30 days for a full refund of the purchase price, less shipping and handling.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Important: 2-Day Fast Formula is only available to residents of the United States and its territories.
**Please note: the BeachBody website will be down for another day or so. Once it is up, you can click on SHOP FOR PRODUCTS on the right hand side of my blog or click here and then go to Shop For Products.
1 comment:
Did you use vanilla or chocolate?
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