Dear Boys and Girls,
I pride myself in being a good coach and a good teacher. This past month and half have been difficult because of all my traveling and the many transitions in my life. Let's see, in May alone, I traveled from Dallas to Santa Monica twice (once by car), then to New York and back to Dallas. Then I moved to Santa Monica for the summer, after driving here from Dallas, and had to get settled into my writing routine right away.
During all that coming and going, I had to (or at least I felt that I had to) juggle all the balls in the air, and continue to be a good coach, good teacher, good friend, good girlfriend, good daughter. But, instinctively I knew that in order to fully give of yourself, you have to take care of yourself first. When you are depleted and run down, you have very little to offer.
So, I took a step back from coaching for just a bit. Instead of answering my emails within my usual 24 hours, I would take a day or two and sometimes three. Instead of constantly reaching out to my team, I decided that they would be okay without me playing the cheerleader role. Instead of feeling like I had to hold up the world, I decided that the world would hold itself up while I recharged.
I still showed up on the message boards and on my blog, but I know I took a bit of distance to nurture and take care of myself.
I turned inward and focused on my fitness. My traveling and stress made me slip more than few times with the eating part of my routine, but I got up each and every single time I fell off the wagon. Seriously, I can hardly believe my results.
Finally, finally, yes, yes, yes, I am returning back to me and feeling the need to reach out to others. Oh, recharging is a beautiful thing! I am once again ready to give!
I'm excited to continue coaching men and women to fitness. I'm excited about building our team. I'm excited about my writing and life in general.
Woopee!! I'm back to me!!
Barbie, PhD
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